Monday, May 24, 2010

Curios and Trinkets, part the fifth

Continuing my string of hit-and-run midnight baking, last night I made a batch of what was essentially shortbread with cheese instead of sugar. They lasted approximately 15 hours. I may or may not have started quoting Selin Fireheart upon sampling them.

The trinket-making nonsense continues unabated. This afternoon found me attempting to tap holes into a copper turtle stamping's nose and tail; he's now crawling up a chain destined to hold one of the alchemical element bottles I've been making.

For now, some things I've finished recently.

Something altogether girly and springy. Rose quartz (courtesy of Elke) and crab agate.

Tinkering with Shrinky Dinks, poppy jasper, and onyx.

And something nice and autumnal, with fancy and moss agate.

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