Wednesday, November 25, 2009



Because I can.

(He's made it to 70. I don't know if it's because of the goggles or because I like getting stunned looks from passersby who don't expect priests to be able to pull off efficient AoE pulls.)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Evocation, part the third

"Cut us from the U of Dalaran varsity team, will they?!"

(Really, given that it's an institution of mage-geeks, how bad would you have to be?)


That aside, I am currently dividing my time between working on a delightful little commission and murdering wayward Alliance players that blunder into the Undercity in search of a free turkey dinner*. Hey, I thought it was rather apropos for a Forsaken-style Thanksgiving.

*What makes this all the more entertaining is the fact that I was on my rogue, and thus managed about half of those kills in the form of an extremely aggressive turkey.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Evocation, part the second

Working on an underpainting of sorts. Also, B and I think that it would be greatly improved by the addition of a basketball.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


To most, it means a sort of conjuration. To a few of us, it also means restoring a good bit of sweet, sweet mana.

It'll make sense later. Special effects explain everything.

To give you an idea of how badly I've gone in over my head with that one, the first picture is shown at 12.5% of its actual size.

On an unrelated note, I suspect that I've cracked a toe.

I mentioned mummies a while back. I was talking about these guys, who've taken me on as their official art-monkey. So if you play really fast and loose with definitions, I'm in a rock band. Sort of.