Saturday, November 20, 2010

"You've all taken leave of your senses."

Remember what I said about art-rust and Starcraft 2? Well, now I have Civ 5, too. My muse is essentially doomed to shrivel up into a raisin when Cataclysm comes out, so to give it a bit of exercise before then...

...Ismial, looking less than amused. And just because I can:

Friday, November 12, 2010

Curios and Trinkets, part the twelfth

Catching up. Brace yourselves for necklace spam!

Twenty Thousand Dead and Counting!

Wholesale slaughter of Alliance forces in the field is but one of her feminine traits.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sidhe Has Too Much Time on Her Hands

Dug up from the Steamwick Library employee files:

And I felt like scribbling something this afternoon. Not work-safe until I actually draw her some effing armour (for the moment, I think it'd be a bloody shame to cover it up).

I am horribly rusty. I also picked up Starcraft 2 the other day, so the odds of me cleaning off said rust are marginally worse than a snowflake's chance in hell. Whee!