Friday, May 29, 2009


Very indulgent day; B hauled me on into a string of heroics in WoW just about as soon as I was awake (and as an aside, I am appalled by how much easier it is to heal ordinary five-man groups as a shaman than as a paladin--especially when everyone else is a melee class!).

Went out for dinner in celebration of a household holiday, marking the ninth anniversary of my mother and I leaving home posthaste. Freedom is a good thing. Wondering who I might have turned out to be in such an environment does little but give me a little suffocating shudder of distaste.

Pondering the fact that the sun was still up at nearly nine, I found myself with a particular Strawbs song in my head on the way home, so that'll be my musical overindulgence for the day.

Since Winter reminded me earlier of the ever-amusing practice of putting one's characters through the dreaded Purity Test, and also because I was bored, I did so.

Sadly enough, the tief is still sitting above eighty percent, and that's after Faenori got her claws into him, and allowing for the fact that he considers laudanum to be a perfectly sensible choice of painkiller. Slightly more startling was finding that Mikala has yet to fall below sixty (berk needs to expand his horizons. Hey Winter, is your sociopathic mage busy? *snerk*).


  1. No way! Mikala hasn't sunk below 50 yet? LoL!

    I'm sure Y can change that...


  2. Bernie would volunteer, *that* would make for an interesting threesome ;-)

  3. Mikala's actually just about neck and neck with Miss Nori, though only because she's an equal-opportunity perv. *snerk*

    And yeah--though I have my doubts as to whether the Flagon would still be standing afterward!
