Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This is rarely a good sign. Or is it?

I've been stricken (again) with the urge to make jewelery. Necklaces, specifically. A grand total of ~12 hours were recently squandered on Etsy, stumbling around and drooling on findings and little pretty bits.

I'm not by and large a wearer of jewelery; I have perhaps four or five necklaces remaining in my collection, and generally wear at least two at once if I'm going to bother. That said, I have developed a penchant for grandiose messes of chain and filigree, and feel like I have nothing to say when it comes to painting, so perhaps it's high time for a change. Making the curios for my tiefling costume last year was an utter delight.

(The main thing keeping me from dropping piles of money on this nonsense is the knowledge that I really don't have a decent non-digital workspace at the moment.)

1 comment:

  1. I wear a lot of jewlery. Mostly hippie-ish ones, kind of flowery and sparkely. I also LOVE earrings, but my holes closed up. That's so annoying.
