Yes, I knew that the art theft "policy" at DeviantART was a flat-out lie, and that when I filed a complaint about someone having misappropriated one of my sketches to use in a painting, the odds were very good that their heads would remain in the sand, but there's a bit of a walk between heavy suspicion and actual, disappointing proof. Which, by the way, I waited something like a year for.
This isn't even an issue of tracing--evidently this girl didn't trust her skills enough to even give that a go, which isn't surprising as she would have some difficulty drawing her way out of a paper bag. She just plopped it wholesale into her picture and coloured it--most of the original lines are still intact.
And yet, despite what the policy says, apparently this isn't stealing.
Am I naming names or posting incriminating links? No. I'm disgusted, and there's certainly something to be said for humiliation as a learning tool, but I'm not quite that much of a bitch. I called her out some time ago on the picture itself, and she apparently lacks the stones to say a word about it.
Besides, publicity is publicity, and that's the last thing one should give such an individual.
...on the bright side, though, I just got a present (!!) as I was typing this, and I'm drawing more Ilythiiri bondage, so I guess it all averages out. *snerk*

Her face still could use some work, but it's getting closer.
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