In keeping with the tradition of personable, fluffy cats making themselves at home here while she's away, a tiny and exceedingly sweet-tempered silver tabby strolled in and summarily adopted the place and everyone in it. Go figure.
That said... jewelery.

Brass, watch bits, and more serpentine!

This was actually the very first one I started--I just didn't have the right beads for it until the other day. Very smitten with the moss agate ones.

More moss agate with some slightly rusted chain. Given that it's nearly a choker, and fitted to my preposterously thin neck, I don't think many people could wear this one comfortably.

The companion piece for an earlier necklace.

And one made to go with the aethermancer's charm.

Copper and serpentine. I'm thinking I might switch the beads out for something bluer, as those greens just do not go.

Serpentine and pumice...

...and crab agate! I need to get some smaller beads of this stuff.

And lastly, a bracelet with pumice, serpentine, and more watch bits.
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