Unfinished art that'll likely never get completed at the rate I'm going.

Mikala eating all of the cinnamon hearts and being smug about it.

A doodle of Mephikori that didn't pass muster.

...and one that almost did.

This remains my favourite sketch of Anaquiel.

Our Lady of the Mechanical Octopus. I'm starting to think that's a glass eye...

A demon-mask built off of a sketchblob done in Alchemy.

A quick portrait of one of B's characters.

Blind devotion.

Decaying disorder.

A statue. I'm rather fond of this one.

Lady Kos' addendum to the clockwork fey set. Screwed up her face something fierce.

I've come to the decision that all magi should be expected to wear fingerless gloves.

Meiru, most likely.

A draenei I painted in Opencanvas for someone's amusement a while back. Horns are a bitch when you can't erase too well.

And lastly (for now), a fiendish lady-mage.
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