I picked up a new headset the other day. Momentarily considered a wireless one (because the only reason I *ever* have to replace them is because I have an unfortunate habit of getting the cord hooked on things and accidentally yanking it about) but then remembered that it would actually have to charge up, and it is not uncommon for me to be wearing the things for fourteen hours at a stretch.
The eldest of the furry bastards went and sprained his leg. He is presently limping about and receiving a ridiculous number of ear rubs.
I either need to do a lot more lineart, or a lot less. Presently colouring some that I did for a commission, and I never feel so ham-fisted as I do when inking--even though it's digital. Somehow, painting is much easier. Maybe it's just an issue of practice.
And now I leave you with this atrocity of fashion, spotted in Orgrimmar several months ago:

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